

As a leading university of Japan we have been engaged in engineering education for more than 130 years. In today's highly globalized world, we are now putting more emphasis on "innovation with society"

Innovation with Society



On September 23, 2020, we will hold an event "The New Normal and Global Co-creation", as part of the "Innovation with Society" (for details, please refer to here). You can learn about the "New Normal", the new standard of the "With Corona" era in four countries (Japan, Laos, Sweden, Singapore, and Sweden; alphabetical order) at the event. This event is also a kick-off event for the "Exploring New Normal with Other Nations" project, which we have already introduced. We hope you will join us.

2020年9月23日(水)に「工学人材の国際社会実装力養成拠点プロジェクト」事業の一環として、イベント「世界と考える New Normal」を開催致します(詳細はこちら)。世界四カ国(スウェーデン、シンガポール、ラオス、日本)のウィズコロナ時代の新たな基準 ”New Normal” について知ることができるイベントで、既にご紹介している「他国と探るNew Normal」プロジェクトのキックオフイベントとなっています。是非ご参加下さい。


A class of "Exploring New Normal with other nations" will be offered at A semester of 2020 (here for details), as a program under the subject "Creative Engineering Project I・III(Undergraduate) and Creative Engineering Project I(Graduate) Project". With the aim of deepening international understanding, which is a necessary element of "Innovation with Society", and learning how to do so, students explore the New Normal of the With Corona Era in collaboration with university students, university faculty members, and buisiness men from multiple countries.

「工学人材の国際社会実装力養成拠点」の活動成果として「他国と探る New Normal」プロジェクト(詳細はこちら)を、2020年度Aセメスターの授業科目「創造性工学プロジェクト」「創造的ものづくりプロジェクト」にて提供します。
国際社会実装力として必要な要素である国際理解を深め、その方法も学ぶことを目的に、本プロジェクトでは、ウィズコロナ時代の New Normal を複数国の大学生・大学教員・社会人と連携して探っていきます。


A class of "Challenge The World With Your Research" will be offered at A semester of 2020 (here for details), as a program under the subject "Creative Engineering Project I・III(Undergraduate) and Creative Engineering Project I(Graduate) Project". You will obtain an ability of "Innovation with Society", through your own works to develop a scenario toward new values in the world, all starting from your specific research and specialty. You will also get practical learning from some seasoned specialists in policy making, other nation's dynamics, international business development, and so on.



S1S2 2020, the Faculty of Engineering provides experimental seminars to first- and second-year undergraduate students from the College of Arts and Sciences. Training Seminars, Science Projects and Academic Frontier Lectures are introduced.



Creative Engineering ProjectⅠ・Ⅲ(Undergraduate) and Creative Engineering ProjectⅠ(Graduate) Projects are introduced. You can undertake a problem-solving project based on creative thinking.



A video material, " Innovation with Society - What we are looking to in this project " is uploaded here (only in Japanese in subtitles and speeches).

本プロジェクトの活動とこれからの方向性をまとめた映像 「工学人材の国際社会実装力養成拠点プロジェクト ~ 我々が目指す方向性/What we are looking to in this project ~」をここにアップしています。工学系研究科の執行部やプロジェクトリーダーの考えに加え、関係活動に参加している学生の声も挙げています。是非ご参照下さい。


International dialogue session " Engineering education in the era of globalized open innovation " was successfully held on 30th September, 2019 with many faculty and administrative members and several experts from foreign universities and international organizations. The outline was briefly reported here (in Japanese: English version will be available at the project secretary)

9月30日午後に開催された国際対話セッション2019 「社会共創時代の工学教育について: 我々が今取るべきアクションは?」では、学内工学系研究科を中心とした学内教職員に加え、海外大学からのスピーカーや国際的機関等から40名ほどの参加者を得て、新しい工学教育の方向性についての情報交換や理解の共有が図られました。概要報告は、こちらをご参照下さい(日本語版:英語概要が必要な方は事務局までお問い合わせください。)


The sessions of " Monozukuri Friday 4 " of A1A2 2019 will be held on every 3rd Friday of every month, from October 2019 to January 2020. , to openly discuss ideas and/or issues about monozukuri.ideas and/or issues about monozukuri.

2019年後期の「ものづくりフライデー4」を、10月~1月の毎月第3金曜日(10月18日, 11月15日, 12月20日, 1月17日)に開催します。ものづくりに関して自由に討議したい方のための場です。是非ご参加下さい!


International dialogue session " Engineering education in the era of globalized open innovation " will be held on 30th September, 2019 This is an opportunity to have an open dialogue with internationally active players in this area.



The 5th and last "Monozukuri Friday 4" of S1S2 2019 will be held on 20th September, to openly discuss ideas and/or issues about monozukuri.


About us


This 5-year project was established in FY 2016 to enhance education at the School of Engineering with a focus on innovation with society and the world.



We have conducted a number of activities below, which combine our initial objectives and the fast changing environment of the university and the world as a whole.


施設/組織面での拠点形成 (2016-2018)

Aligning existing facilities and organizations via efficient additions and restructuring


「国際社会実装力」の体系化、及びIIIEE主導での試行及び本格提供の推進(2017 ~; on-going)

Developing an educational structure for "Innovation with the Society" to support the existing engineering curriculum, and its promotion by the IIIEE (2017-present)


教育内容やそのための組織や仕組みの整備(2019 ~; on-going)

Preparing and implementing a school-wide curriculum and system for the education.



Tel: 03-5841-7031
