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Special Projects

Special Projects事業


Online Application System for the International Graduate Programs and Exchange Student Program


T-cens is the online application system for the School of Engineering at the University of Tokyo, where you can apply for entry to Special Graduate Programs for International Students and Exchange Student Program under Agreement with Partner Universities.



Career Development for International Professionals


"Career Development for International Professionals"


Innovation with Society

Re-organizing engineering education more for "innovation with society"


Project "Innovation with Society in Engineering Education" is a school-wide activity to put more emphasis on global & societal co-creation features, in today's highly fast-moving world



Special English Lesson


The Special English Lessons (SEL) program offers on-campus classes for students and staff of The University of Tokyo taught by professional English teachers from renowned language schools. In line with the university's mission to expand the students' and staff's skill set, and nurture global leaders, GWP organizes and supervises a variety of English conversation, TOEFL® test preparation, and staff development classes. Classes are on-campus, tailored to our needs, and for a reduced fee.


Global 30

Master's Global 30 (G30) Program


In order to further enhance its academic activities in both Japan and overseas, in 2009, the School of Engineering has launched Master's Global 30 (G30) Program Bioengineering, a new postgraduate program built around an English-as-a-global-language academic environment to promote internationalization within the school. The objective of this new program is to provide education to promising, qualified students from all around the world, and to generate opportunities for the students to share and collaborate on research projects at global scale. The new master's degree program is designed to promote the Japanese language and to provide a platform for both academic and cultural interactions among Japanese and international students. As one of our first step to create a bilingual educational environment, the School of Engineering has started accepting full-time students for the following master's courses:
► International Bioengineering
► Architecture and Urban Design
► International Technology Management

東京大学大学院工学系研究科では、留学生・日本人学生双方に益する国際化を推進するた に、国際言語としての「英語」環境を整備し、高度な資質・力量を有する人材を世界から集め教育している。留学生には、英語による授業の提供も行っている が、併せて日本語能力涵養と文化の相互理解を可能とする環境整備を進めている。これらの一つの手法として、工学系研究科に「グローバル30英語特別コー ス」を2009年に設置し、2010年10月から留学生の受け入れを始めた。
このグローバル30英語特別コースは、希望する専門分野の講義を英語で受講出来、学位を取得することが出来る。特別コースは以下に示す3つの専門分野である。 国際バイオエンジニアリングコース
国際都市建築デザインコース 国際技術経営学コース


Student Tools for Access and Review


STAR is a learning support and management system for individuals studying Japanese at The School of Engineering. STAR is used for proficiency checks, course registration, class management, and e-learning.


UT-SNU Educational Program

Remote Lecture and Intensive Course Program in English with Seoul National University (SNU)


Since 2007, Seoul National University and The University of Tokyo have joined efforts to internationalize curricula and student experience, broadening their perspective, by exchanging outstanding lectures. The UT-SNU Remote Lecture Program offers the unique opportunity for direct contact between domestic students and foreign professors in real time, providing a global educational experience. By using a TV conferencing system, live or two-directional lectures are delivered to students. The common language for the Remote Lecture Program is English as it is most widely used in the academic world.

2007年より、ソウル国立大学校と東京大学は優れた講義を互いに共有し、よりグローバルで先端的なカ リキュラムと、経験を学生に提供することで、彼らの視野を広げる試みを継続してきました。その一環であるUT-SNU遠隔交換講義プログラムは、東京大学 の学生と相手国の教員とをリアルタイムで繋げ、国境を越えた教育体験を得る貴重な機会となっております。講義は、アカデミックな世界での標準語である英語 を共通言語とし、テレビ会議システムを通じて行われます。

Inter-University Exchange Project大学の世界展開力強化事業


International Educational Program for The Head Engineer over the Fronts of Gigantic Systems


"International Educational Program for the Head Engineer over the Fronts of Gigantic Systems"

This program aims at promoting collaborative education and research with partner universities in the USA and Europe.




India-Japan Industry-Academia-Government Collaborative Education Program


"Developing Human-facing Engineers: Japan-India Industry-Academia-Government Collaborative Education Program (IJEP)"

This program aims at promoting collaborative education and research with partner universities in India.




Japan-Turkey Cooperative Education Program on Resilience Engineering for Energy and Urban Systems


"Japan-Turkey Cooperative Education Program on Resilience Engineering for Energy and Urban Systems"

This exchange program creates a research and education initiatives for resilience engineering as well as earthquake engineering as the collaboration between The University of Tokyo and Tokyo Institute of Technology.




Japan-America Program for COIL-style Education of World-leading Global Engineering Specialists


"Japan-America Program for COIL-style Education of World-leading Global Engineering Specialists"
This program aims to accelerate medium- to long-term student exchange through developing COIL method lectures on the engineering fields which offers opportunities for short-term student exchanges.
