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Preparing and implementing a school-wide curriculum and system for the education


On-going activities are shown below (as of June, 2019):

Accommodating this education program into the engineering education curriculum


In our current curriculum, there are already many elements of "Engineering Education for Innovation with Society" as shown below:


Innovation process


An extra-curriculum topic


The World


A few of common electives


Societal system


Implied in several classes, but not explicitly mentioned


Creative idea deployment


As an ex-curriculum topic, or as some hands-on projects in the curriculum


Global competency


Electives on communication and business language


Immersive experiences


Offered in several PBL classes as common electives, and in some extra-curriculum activities

Current situation of "Education for Innovation with Society"


Therefore, what we put focus on from now is to align those elements in more understandable and structured way, in order to make students know what they are going to learn, and to make our School more visible from the world not only in research but also in education in a balanced way.


We have already added and modified some new educational elements and classes in some areas.

【工学最前線 先端技術セミナー /Seminar series: Advanced engineering technology at the forefront】


Started in 2018, this class focused on students in the Junior Division of undergraduate education. Most advanced topics such as deep learning, personal robots, autonomous car, the Japanese asteroid explorer Hayabusa 2, and so on are discussed; not by a researcher but by a person at the forefront of the application of the technology in society. With the opportunity to look at the relationship between technology and society in this way, the seminar series will give students ideas about how their study in an engineering discipline is relevant to the real world, even before they start their engineering study.

工学最前線 先端技術セミナー /Seminar series: Advanced engineering technology at the forefront

工学最前線 先端技術セミナー(2019年度実施タイトル例)
Titles of the Seminar series in 2019

  • 深層学習で切り拓くパーソナルロボットの未来
    Deep learning and personal robots

  • 小惑星探査機「はやぶさ2」の挑戦
    Asteroid Explorer Hayabusa 2

  • トヨタの自動運転開発と日本政府の取り組み
    Automatic driving by Toyota, and Japanese government

【技術プロジェクトマネジメント科目の共通科目化 /Offering a new course "Technology Project Management" as common electives in the Senior Division】

技術プロジェクトマネジメント科目の共通科目化 /Offering a new course Technology Project Management as common electives in the Senior Division


The "Technology Project Management" course, which was offered only in the Department of Systems Innovation, is now offered to all students in the Faculty of Engineering, as another opportunity for students to learn about the practical process and works that are required when they use their own engineering knowledge and capability.

【先端技術特別講義 /Offering a new course "Frontier of Technology" as common electives in the Senior Division】

先端技術特別講義 /Offering a new course Frontier of Technology as common electives in the Senior Division


This "Frontier of Technology" course provides all students in the School of Engineering with another opportunity to touch upon a variety of "current advanced technology", learn about respective implementation process in society from the person from the very front, and have relevant discussion with students in other engineering disciplines.

【創造性工学プロジェクト科目内のプロジェクト整備/Adjustment of projects in the existing "Creative Engineering Project" course】

創造性工学プロジェクト科目内のプロジェクト整備/Adjustment of projects in the existing Creative Engineering Project course

創造性工学プロジェクト科目は、様々なPBL(Project Based Learning)型授業が集合した科目として提供されています。海外ヒストリックラリー参戦やNHKのロボコンなどのよく知られたものづくり志向のプロジェクトも含め、毎年幅広い学生を集める科目となっています。本拠点プロジェクトの活動としては、この科目をさらに「最近の社会技術動向の反映」、「つくるだけでなくビジネス実装までも考慮する機会」、あるいは「省庁なども含めた社会システム活用への取組み」、といった方向性を強化するなど、今日の社会で実践的な価値創出を意識できるプロジェクト科目とするための整備を、下記に例示しているように積極的に進めているところです。

The "Creative Engineering Project" course has been offered to undergraduate and graduate students for more than 10 years, as a collection of hands-on type projects. Having popular monozukuri-opriented projects such as the International Historic Car Rally and Robot Contest by NHK, this course has attracted a wide range of students. Since 2018, as a measure to strengthen its direction toward more innovation-with-society, some new projects have been arranged as shown below.

創造性工学プロジェクト科目内のプロジェクト整備/Adjustment of projects in the existing Creative Engineering Project course

最近の社会技術動向の反映/Responding to social technology trends

  • スポーツITプロジェクト/Sports IT project;クラウドでのアプリケーション開発/App Development in Cloud;アプリ開発の基礎(英語開講)/Fundamentals of App Development (offered in Englisht)
  • ビジネス実装までの考慮機会/Opportunity to consider practical business development
  • UTチャレンジャーズ・ギルド/UT Challengers Guild
  • 社会システム活用の取組み/Opportunity to consider societal systems and technology
  • 研究の社会展開チャレンジ(仮称)/Development challenge of "Your research topic for your society"

Especially strengthening the global transferability

国際対応力教育の強化 Especially strengthening the global transferibility

特に前者については、今年から「全学体験ゼミナール 英語で拓く工学世界への扉」科目をスタートし、工学教育を今まさに始めようとしている学生が世界的な工学の動きと共にそこでのツールとしての英語の役割を感じる機会としての提供を始めています。

Global competency consists of language and communication capabilities, and to understand the world and use it in the process of value creation. We further develop global competency in this project. For example, a new course, "Let’s Open the Door to the World of Engineering in English", for the Junior Division of the undergraduate school just started in 2019, as a new opportunity for students to look into the global engineering world and understand the role of English language as a tool.

Environments for the education

  • 上記のための環境整備(課外活動、国際連携、外部連携、実装支援、等々) Environments for the education
  • 上記のための環境整備(課外活動、国際連携、外部連携、実装支援、等々) Environments for the education


Along with other activities described above, we are working on other relevant environments such as; complementary settings for extra-curriculum activities and official courses; international collaboration other than conventional student exchange; collaboration with business in education; collaboration with other business development supports at the University, among others.


International Dialogue Session 2019
Engineering education in the era of globalized open innovation:
How to adapt and adopt?


International Dialogue Session 2019 was held mainly to share the relevant information and promote proactive attitudes among faculty and staff members of School of Engineering. Having esteemed speakers from KTH, SUTD, AIST Design School, and Fujifilm, together with a few from other international public organizations, this event proved to be a very first opportunity to promote dialogue for "Innovation with Society".
